AUS Women's Volleyball Major Awards

Most Valuable Player - Rookie of the Year - Coach of the Year - Libero of the Year - Student-Athlete Community Service Award

Libero of the Year

Year Player Year Player
1999-00 Melissa Oates, Memorial 2008-09 Jolanie Gallant, Moncton
2000-01 Shelley Campbell, UNB 2009-10 Kristen Ryan, Cape Breton
2001-02 Anne Lavigne, Moncton 2010-11 Lauren Smith, Dalhousie
2002-03 Angela Cormier, Dalhousie 2011-12 Anastasia Callaghan, Saint Mary's
2003-04 Catherine MacFarlane, Saint Mary's 2012-13 Anastasia Callaghan, Saint Mary's
2004-05 Lindsay Gosse, StFX 2013-14 Anastasia Callaghan, Saint Mary's
2005-06 Leah MacInnis, Dalhousie 2014-15 Marisa Mota, Dalhousie
2006-07 Jane Pelc, UNB    
2007-08 Christena MacRae, Saint Mary's    


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