Dalhousie at UNB
@ Fredericton, N.B (R.J. Currie Center)
1/26/2013 at 1:00 PM

Final 1 2 3 Score
Dalhousie 17 17 27 0
UNB 25 25 29 3
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd
DAL -- 1st -- UNB
  DAL starters: Eliott Cohrs; Bryan Duquette; Jonathan MacDonald; Carsten Moeller; Alex Dempsey; Connor Maessen; libero Logan Baillie.  
  UNB starters: Matthew Sweet; Craig Toonders; Eivind Andersen; Julio Fernandez; Logan Keoughan; Mathieu Losier; libero Andrew Costa.  
1-0 [Matthew Sweet] Kill by Bryan Duquette (from Carsten Moeller). Point DAL
[Jonathan MacDonald] Service error. Point UNB 1-1
[Craig Toonders] Attack error by Eliott Cohrs. Point UNB 1-2
[Craig Toonders] Bad set by Carsten Moeller. Point UNB 1-3
2-3 [Craig Toonders] Kill by Bryan Duquette (from Carsten Moeller). Point DAL
3-3 [Bryan Duquette] Attack error by Julio Fernandez (block by Carsten Moeller; Eliott Cohrs). Point DAL
4-3 [Bryan Duquette] Attack error by Julio Fernandez (block by Carsten Moeller; Eliott Cohrs). Point DAL
5-3 [Bryan Duquette] Service ace (Andrew Costa). Point DAL
[Bryan Duquette] Kill by Logan Keoughan (from Mathieu Losier). Point UNB 5-4
[Eivind Andersen] Bad set by Carsten Moeller. Point UNB 5-5
[Eivind Andersen] Attack error by Jonathan MacDonald. Point UNB 5-6
6-6 [Eivind Andersen] Kill by Alex Dempsey (from Carsten Moeller). Point DAL
[Eliott Cohrs] Kill by Mathieu Losier (from Matthew Sweet). Point UNB 6-7
[Julio Fernandez] Attack error by Alex Dempsey. Point UNB 6-8
7-8 [Julio Fernandez] Kill by Jonathan MacDonald (from Carsten Moeller). Point DAL
8-8 [Carsten Moeller] Kill by Alex Dempsey (from Carsten Moeller). Point DAL
9-8 [Carsten Moeller] Service ace (Andrew Costa). Point DAL
[Carsten Moeller] Kill by Matthew Sweet (from Mathieu Losier). Point UNB 9-9
[Logan Keoughan] Attack error by Jonathan MacDonald (block by Craig Toonders; Mathieu Losier). Point UNB 9-10
[Logan Keoughan] Attack error by Connor Maessen. Point UNB 9-11
[Logan Keoughan] Kill by Craig Toonders (from Mathieu Losier). Point UNB 9-12
[Logan Keoughan] Attack error by Alex Dempsey. Point UNB 9-13
10-13 [Logan Keoughan] Kill by Connor Maessen (from Carsten Moeller). Point DAL
[Alex Dempsey] Kill by Matthew Sweet (from Mathieu Losier). Point UNB 10-14
11-14 [Mathieu Losier] Attack error by Julio Fernandez (block by Connor Maessen). Point DAL
[Connor Maessen] Service error. Point UNB 11-15
12-15 [Matthew Sweet] Kill by Bryan Duquette (from Carsten Moeller). Point DAL
[Jonathan MacDonald] Kill by Craig Toonders (from Mathieu Losier). Point UNB 12-16
[Craig Toonders] Bad set by Carsten Moeller. Point UNB 12-17
13-17 [Craig Toonders] Kill by Bryan Duquette (from Carsten Moeller). Point DAL
14-17 [Bryan Duquette] Kill by Alex Dempsey (from Jonathan MacDonald). Point DAL
[Bryan Duquette] Attack error by Carsten Moeller. Point UNB 14-18
[Eivind Andersen] Kill by Mathieu Losier (from Eivind Andersen). Point UNB 14-19
15-19 [Eivind Andersen] Service error. Point DAL
  DAL subs: Scott Holmgren; Eliott Cohrs.  
[Scott Holmgren] Kill by Julio Fernandez (from Mathieu Losier). Point UNB 15-20
  DAL subs: Eliott Cohrs; Scott Holmgren.  
16-20 [Julio Fernandez] Kill by Alex Dempsey (from Carsten Moeller). Point DAL
  DAL subs: Christen O'Brien; Jonathan MacDonald.  
[Carsten Moeller] Kill by Logan Keoughan (from Mathieu Losier). Point UNB 16-21
  DAL subs: Jonathan MacDonald; Christen O'Brien.  
[Logan Keoughan] Service ace (Logan Baillie). Point UNB 16-22
[Logan Keoughan] Bad set by Carsten Moeller. Point UNB 16-23
[Logan Keoughan] Attack error by Connor Maessen. Point UNB 16-24
17-24 [Logan Keoughan] Kill by Alex Dempsey (from Carsten Moeller). Point DAL
[Alex Dempsey] Kill by Matthew Sweet (from Mathieu Losier). Point UNB 17-25
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DAL -- 2nd -- UNB
  UNB starters: Julio Fernandez; Eivind Andersen; Craig Toonders; Logan Keoughan; Mathieu Losier; Matthew Sweet; libero Andrew Costa.  
  DAL starters: Carsten Moeller; Eliott Cohrs; Bryan Duquette; Alex Dempsey; Connor Maessen; Jonathan MacDonald; libero Logan Baillie.  
1-0 [Jonathan MacDonald] Kill by Alex Dempsey (from Carsten Moeller). Point DAL
2-0 [Jonathan MacDonald] Attack error by Eivind Andersen (block by Bryan Duquette). Point DAL
[Jonathan MacDonald] Service error. Point UNB 2-1
[Craig Toonders] Attack error by Eliott Cohrs. Point UNB 2-2
[Craig Toonders] Kill by Logan Keoughan (from Mathieu Losier). Point UNB 2-3
[Craig Toonders] Service ace (Alex Dempsey). Point UNB 2-4
3-4 [Craig Toonders] Kill by Bryan Duquette (from Carsten Moeller). Point DAL
[Bryan Duquette] Attack error by Alex Dempsey (block by Eivind Andersen; Logan Keoughan). Point UNB 3-5
[Eivind Andersen] Attack error by Jonathan MacDonald (block by Julio Fernandez; Logan Keoughan). Point UNB 3-6
4-6 [Eivind Andersen] Kill by Alex Dempsey (from Carsten Moeller). Point DAL
[Eliott Cohrs] Attack error by Jonathan MacDonald. Point UNB 4-7
5-7 [Julio Fernandez] Attack error by Eivind Andersen. Point DAL
[Carsten Moeller] Kill by Logan Keoughan (from Mathieu Losier). Point UNB 5-8
6-8 [Logan Keoughan] Service error. Point DAL
7-8 [Alex Dempsey] Attack error by Matthew Sweet. Point DAL
[Alex Dempsey] Service error. Point UNB 7-9
[Mathieu Losier] Kill by Eivind Andersen (from Mathieu Losier). Point UNB 7-10
8-10 [Mathieu Losier] Service error. Point DAL
[Connor Maessen] Kill by Craig Toonders (from Mathieu Losier). Point UNB 8-11
  [Matthew Sweet] Service .  
9-12 [Matthew Sweet] Kill by Eliott Cohrs (from Carsten Moeller). Point DAL
[Jonathan MacDonald] Service error. Point UNB 9-13
[Craig Toonders] Attack error by Bryan Duquette. Point UNB 9-14
  DAL subs: Christen O'Brien; Jonathan MacDonald.  
10-14 [Craig Toonders] Kill by Bryan Duquette (from Carsten Moeller). Point DAL
[Bryan Duquette] Kill by Eivind Andersen (from Mathieu Losier). Point UNB 10-15
  UNB subs: Jordan Brooks; Eivind Andersen.  
[Jordan Brooks] Kill by Matthew Sweet (from Julio Fernandez). Point UNB 10-16
[Jordan Brooks] Attack error by Christen O'Brien (block by Mathieu Losier; Logan Keoughan). Point UNB 10-17
11-17 [Jordan Brooks] Kill by Christen O'Brien (from Carsten Moeller). Point DAL
  UNB subs: Eivind Andersen; Jordan Brooks.  
  DAL subs: Scott Holmgren; Eliott Cohrs.  
[Scott Holmgren] Service error. Point UNB 11-18
  DAL subs: Eliott Cohrs; Scott Holmgren.  
12-18 [Julio Fernandez] Attack error by Logan Keoughan. Point DAL
[Carsten Moeller] Service error. Point UNB 12-19
  DAL subs: Robert Johnson; Carsten Moeller.  
13-19 [Logan Keoughan] Kill by Alex Dempsey (from Logan Baillie). Point DAL
[Alex Dempsey] Kill by Craig Toonders (from Mathieu Losier). Point UNB 13-20
14-20 [Mathieu Losier] Kill by Connor Maessen (from Robert Johnson). Point DAL
[Connor Maessen] Kill by Julio Fernandez (from Mathieu Losier). Point UNB 14-21
15-21 [Matthew Sweet] Kill by Eliott Cohrs (from Robert Johnson). Point DAL
[Christen O'Brien] Service error. Point UNB 15-22
16-22 [Craig Toonders] Kill by Bryan Duquette (from Robert Johnson). Point DAL
[Bryan Duquette] Service error. Point UNB 16-23
17-23 [Eivind Andersen] Kill by Alex Dempsey (from Robert Johnson). Point DAL
[Eliott Cohrs] Kill by Mathieu Losier (from Julio Fernandez). Point UNB 17-24
[Julio Fernandez] Attack error by Alex Dempsey. Point UNB 17-25
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DAL -- 3rd -- UNB
  UNB starters: Julio Fernandez; Eivind Andersen; Craig Toonders; Logan Keoughan; Mathieu Losier; Matthew Sweet; libero Andrew Costa.  
  DAL starters: Carsten Moeller; Eliott Cohrs; Bryan Duquette; Alex Dempsey; Connor Maessen; Jonathan MacDonald; libero Logan Baillie.  
1-0 [Matthew Sweet] Service error. Point DAL
[Bryan Duquette] Kill by Craig Toonders (from Mathieu Losier). Point UNB 1-1
2-1 [Craig Toonders] Kill by Jonathan MacDonald (from Carsten Moeller). Point DAL
3-1 [Eliott Cohrs] Kill by Alex Dempsey (from Carsten Moeller). Point DAL
[Eliott Cohrs] Kill by Logan Keoughan (from Mathieu Losier). Point UNB 3-2
[Eivind Andersen] Kill by Mathieu Losier (from Andrew Costa). Point UNB 3-3
4-3 [Eivind Andersen] Kill by Connor Maessen (from Carsten Moeller). Point DAL
[Carsten Moeller] Kill by Logan Keoughan (from Mathieu Losier). Point UNB 4-4
5-4 [Julio Fernandez] Kill by Jonathan MacDonald (from Connor Maessen). Point DAL
[Alex Dempsey] Kill by Logan Keoughan (from Mathieu Losier). Point UNB 5-5
6-5 [Logan Keoughan] Service error. Point DAL
7-5 [Connor Maessen] Service ace (Julio Fernandez). Point DAL
8-5 [Connor Maessen] Service ace (Matthew Sweet). Point DAL
9-5 [Connor Maessen] Kill by Jonathan MacDonald. Point DAL
  Timeout UNB Varsity Reds.  
[Connor Maessen] Attack error by Bryan Duquette (block by Craig Toonders; Mathieu Losier). Point UNB 9-6
10-6 [Mathieu Losier] Kill by Eliott Cohrs (from Carsten Moeller). Point DAL
[Jonathan MacDonald] Kill by Matthew Sweet (from Mathieu Losier). Point UNB 10-7
11-7 [Matthew Sweet] Kill by Alex Dempsey (from Carsten Moeller). Point DAL
12-7 [Bryan Duquette] Attack error by Eivind Andersen. Point DAL
13-7 [Bryan Duquette] Attack error by Julio Fernandez. Point DAL
14-7 [Bryan Duquette] Attack error by Eivind Andersen. Point DAL
[Bryan Duquette] Service error. Point UNB 14-8
  UNB subs: Marc White; Eivind Andersen.  
15-8 [Craig Toonders] Service error. Point DAL
[Eliott Cohrs] Service error. Point UNB 15-9
[Marc White] Attack error by Bryan Duquette (block by Logan Keoughan). Point UNB 15-10
[Marc White] Attack error by Connor Maessen (block by Logan Keoughan). Point UNB 15-11
[Marc White] Kill by Mathieu Losier (from Matthew Sweet). Point UNB 15-12
16-12 [Marc White] Kill by Alex Dempsey (from Carsten Moeller). Point DAL
[Carsten Moeller] Kill by Logan Keoughan (from Mathieu Losier). Point UNB 16-13
17-13 [Julio Fernandez] Service error. Point DAL
[Alex Dempsey] Kill by Matthew Sweet (from Mathieu Losier). Point UNB 17-14
  UNB subs: Jordan Brooks; Logan Keoughan.  
[Jordan Brooks] Kill by Matthew Sweet (from Mathieu Losier). Point UNB 17-15
[Jordan Brooks] Bad set by Logan Baillie. Point UNB 17-16
[Jordan Brooks] Attack error by Jonathan MacDonald (block by Craig Toonders; Matthew Sweet). Point UNB 17-17
18-17 [Jordan Brooks] Service error. Point DAL
  UNB subs: Logan Keoughan; Jordan Brooks.  
19-17 [Connor Maessen] Attack error by Matthew Sweet (block by Jonathan MacDonald; Eliott Cohrs). Point DAL
[Connor Maessen] Kill by Craig Toonders (from Mathieu Losier). Point UNB 19-18
[Mathieu Losier] Kill by Craig Toonders (from Mathieu Losier). Point UNB 19-19
[Mathieu Losier] Kill by Marc White (from Matthew Sweet). Point UNB 19-20
20-20 [Mathieu Losier] Kill by Bryan Duquette (from Carsten Moeller). Point DAL
[Jonathan MacDonald] Kill by Craig Toonders (from Mathieu Losier). Point UNB 20-21
[Matthew Sweet] Kill by Craig Toonders (from Mathieu Losier). Point UNB 20-22
21-22 [Matthew Sweet] Attack error by Craig Toonders (block by Eliott Cohrs). Point DAL
[Bryan Duquette] Bad set by Carsten Moeller. Point UNB 21-23
22-23 [Craig Toonders] Service error. Point DAL
  DAL subs: Scott Holmgren; Eliott Cohrs.  
23-23 [Scott Holmgren] Attack error by Matthew Sweet. Point DAL
  Timeout UNB Varsity Reds.  
[Scott Holmgren] Service error. Point UNB 23-24
  DAL subs: Eliott Cohrs; Scott Holmgren.  
24-24 [Marc White] Kill by Alex Dempsey (from Carsten Moeller). Point DAL
  DAL subs: Christen O'Brien; Jonathan MacDonald.  
[Carsten Moeller] Kill by Mathieu Losier (from Marc White). Point UNB 24-25
  DAL subs: Jonathan MacDonald; Christen O'Brien.  
25-25 [Julio Fernandez] Attack error by Matthew Sweet (block by Alex Dempsey; Connor Maessen; Jonathan MacDonald). Point DAL
[Alex Dempsey] Attack error by Bryan Duquette (block by Logan Keoughan; Mathieu Losier). Point UNB 25-26
26-26 [Logan Keoughan] Kill by Bryan Duquette (from Carsten Moeller). Point DAL
[Connor Maessen] Service error. Point UNB 26-27
27-27 [Mathieu Losier] Kill by Bryan Duquette (from Carsten Moeller). Point DAL
[Jonathan MacDonald] Kill by Craig Toonders (from Mathieu Losier). Point UNB 27-28
[Matthew Sweet] Attack error by Bryan Duquette (block by Marc White; Craig Toonders). Point UNB 27-29
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