2021-22 AUS Men's Hockey Standings

GP W L OTL SOL Last 10 Streak GF GA G Diff PTS Pt %
xy-UNB 24 21 3 0 0 8-2 Won 2 90 37 53 42 1.750
xy-StFX 24 17 5 1 1 8-2 Won 1 102 79 23 36 1.500
x-Dalhousie 23 11 11 1 0 5-5 Lost 2 77 89 -12 23 1.000
*x-UPEI 22 9 9 3 1 4-6 Lost 3 69 69 0 22 1.000
x-Saint Mary's 23 10 11 1 1 4-6 Won 3 84 84 0 22 0.957
**x-Acadia 22 7 14 0 1 3-7 Lost 1 56 84 -28 15 0.682
x-Moncton 24 6 15 1 2 2-8 Lost 1 55 91 -36 15 0.625

'x' – Clinched Playoff Berth.
'y' – Clinched Bye to Semifinals.

*Note 1: UPEI finishes ahead of Saint Mary’s based on Point Percentage. The two teams played an uneven number of games and UPEI’s point percentage (Points / GP) was 1.000 (22 points / 22 GP). Saint Mary’s finished with a point percentage of 0.957 (22 points /23 GP).

**Note 2: Acadia finishes ahead of Moncton based on Point Percentage. The two teams played an uneven number of games and the games lost by Acadia were material to the standings. Acadia’s point percentage (Points / GP) was 0.682 (15 points / 22 GP) and Moncton’s point percentage was 0.625 (15 points / 24 GP).

2021-22 Tie-Breaking Procedure

  1. When tied teams have played the same total number of games, regardless of an unbalanced schedule, the current AUS tie-breaking process specific to men’s hockey will apply. (Men's Hockey Playing Regulations, Page 2: https://www.atlanticuniversitysport.com/about/member_info/playing_regs/SECTION2-PlayingRegulations-2021_MH.pdf)
  2. If teams end with a different number of games played and a tie exists and/or when the games lost could have been material to the standings:
    1. The team with the better Point Percentage (Point Percentage = Points earned / Games Played) will be declared the higher ranked team.
    2. If still tied,
      1. Win ratio in head-to-head games.
      2. Most points in head-to-head games, including all points earned in standings (wins, overtime losses and shootout losses) in head-to-head games being considered.
      3. Goal ratio in head-to-head games.


- “Point Percentage" is defined as the total number of points earned in the standings divided by games played.
- “Win ratio” is defined as the total number of wins divided by the total number of losses.
- “Goal ratio” is defined as the total number of points scored for, divided by the total number of points allowed against.

*Note: When three or more teams are tied who end with a different number of games played, once one team has been separated from the tied group using the above, return to the first step with the remaining tied team(s).