2024-25 Basketball Statistics - Acadia

Games 17
Pts per game 79.5
FG % 41.8
3PT % 32.0
FT % 63.2
Reb per game 31.6
Ast per game 17.9
Schedule Summary
Overall (Pct.)6-11 (.353)
Conference (Pct.) 6-11 (.353)
StreakLost 2
Full Scores and Schedule »
Recent Games
Jan 18 at StFX L, 93-59
Jan 24 UPEI L, 68-60
Jan 25 UPEI W, 80-70
Jan 31 Cape Breton W, 92-89
Feb 2 Dalhousie L, 71-66
Feb 5 at Dalhousie L, 84-75
Statistics category Overall Conf
Games 17 1st 17 1st
Points 1352 3rd 1352 3rd
Points per game 79.5 3rd 79.5 3rd
FG made per game 29.1 3rd 29.1 3rd
FG attempts per game 69.6 3rd 69.6 3rd
FG Pct 41.8 3rd 41.8 3rd
3PT made per game 6.8 7th 6.8 7th
3PT attempts per game 21.1 7th 21.1 7th
3PT Pct 32.0 2nd 32.0 2nd
FT made per game 14.4 4th 14.4 4th
FT attempt per game 22.7 3rd 22.7 3rd
FT Pct 63.2 6th 63.2 6th
Off rebounds per game 8.1 8th 8.1 8th
Def rebounds per game 23.5 7th 23.5 7th
Total rebounds per game 31.6 8th 31.6 8th
Opponents' Off rebounds per game 14.2 8th 14.2 8th
Opponents' Def rebounds per game 28.8 8th 28.8 8th
Opponents' Total rebounds per game 42.9 8th 42.9 8th
Rebound margin per game -11.4 8th -11.4 8th
Assists per game 17.9 1st 17.9 1st
Opponents' Assists per game 18.0 8th 18.0 8th
Turnovers per game 14.1 5th 14.1 5th
Opponents' Turnovers per game 12.8 7th 12.8 7th
Steals per game 6.5 5th 6.5 5th
Opponents' Steals per game 5.2 1st 5.2 1st
Blocks per game 2.4 6th 2.4 6th
Opponents' Blocks per game 4.5 8th 4.5 8th
Personal fouls per game 20.4 8th 20.4 8th
Offensive efficiency 0.915 7th 0.915 7th
Net efficiency -0.076 7th -0.076 7th
Opponents' Personal fouls per game 19.4 3rd 19.4 3rd
Offensive efficiency 0.990 2nd 0.990 2nd
Points per game allowed 82.3 8th 82.3 8th
Opponents' Field goal percentage 42.4 6th 42.4 6th
Opponents' Free throw total-attempts 25.6 1st 25.6 1st
Home Attendance 4,771 2nd 4,771 2nd
Home Attendance average 531 2nd 531 2nd
Field goal total-attempts 495-1184 3rd 495-1184 3rd
3 point total-attempts 115-359 6th 115-359 6th
Free throw total-attempts 244-386 3rd 244-386 3rd
Opponents' Field goal total-attempts 521-1230 8th 521-1230 8th
Opponents' 3 point total-attempts 100-391 1st 100-391 1st
No. Yr Pos
1 Gabe Davignon G 17 16 34.2 4.2-12.9 32.7 2.6-7.7 34.4 2.6-3.5 76.3 13.8
2 Erik Hayden G 17 6 16.0 1.6-3.8 43.1 0.2-0.8 23.1 0.5-0.9 60.0 4.0
3 Robbie Grant G 15 1 6.7 0.7-1.6 45.8 0.1-0.5 25.0 0.3-0.5 50.0 1.9
4 Kyle Munro G 16 15 31.6 4.2-11.6 36.6 1.8-4.7 37.3 1.4-1.8 78.6 11.6
5 Glen Cox G 16 16 35.4 8.6-16.9 50.6 0.3-1.5 20.8 5.1-8.2 61.4 22.5
6 Samou Brayan Kone F - - - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - -
7 Markus Hayden G 6 1 1.5 0.2-0.3 50.0 0.2-0.2 100.0 0.0-0.0 - 0.5
8 David Chijioke G 13 - 2.9 0.2-0.7 22.2 0.1-0.4 20.0 0.2-0.2 66.7 0.5
9 Donovan Reid F 16 13 21.4 2.5-4.8 52.6 0.0-0.1 0.0 0.5-1.8 28.6 5.5
10 Briawne Wilson G 17 6 23.3 3.7-8.0 46.3 0.2-1.0 23.5 1.9-3.5 55.9 9.6
11 Alain Mapendo G 11 - 9.8 0.7-1.9 38.1 0.5-1.4 33.3 0.0-0.0 - 1.9
12 Joseph Dongelmans F 4 - .0 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0
13 Ryan Regault G 14 8 28.9 4.1-11.0 37.0 1.5-4.9 30.4 2.6-3.3 80.4 12.3
21 Marc Sidoine Nkwitcheu F 15 3 4.1 0.3-0.9 28.6 0.0-0.0 - 0.2-0.3 60.0 0.7
22 Adam Rosenberger F 10 - 3.9 0.4-0.6 66.7 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.3 0.0 0.8
  Totals     17 17 201.4 29.1-69.6 41.8 6.8-21.1 32.0 14.4-22.7 63.2 79.5
  Opponent     17 17 201.4 30.6-72.4 42.4 5.9-23.0 25.6 15.1-24.2 62.5 82.3
Ball control
No. Yr Pos
1 Gabe Davignon G 17 16 34.2 0.7 2.1 2.8 2.4 0.0 2.4 1.4 1.8 1.0 0.2
2 Erik Hayden G 17 6 16.0 0.8 2.5 3.4 2.4 0.1 0.9 1.1 0.8 0.6 0.1
3 Robbie Grant G 15 1 6.7 0.1 0.7 0.7 1.1 0.0 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.1
4 Kyle Munro G 16 15 31.6 0.9 3.7 4.6 2.6 0.0 4.6 1.4 3.2 1.8 0.0
5 Glen Cox G 16 16 35.4 2.1 5.6 7.8 2.1 0.1 1.9 3.4 0.6 0.9 0.2
6 Samou Brayan Kone F - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7 Markus Hayden G 6 1 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 - 0.2 0.2 1.0 0.0 0.0
8 David Chijioke G 13 - 2.9 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.1
9 Donovan Reid F 16 13 21.4 1.3 3.8 5.1 2.5 0.1 1.4 1.1 1.3 0.2 1.4
10 Briawne Wilson G 17 6 23.3 0.7 2.1 2.8 3.0 0.2 1.4 2.4 0.6 0.6 0.1
11 Alain Mapendo G 11 - 9.8 0.2 0.6 0.8 0.9 0.0 1.5 0.5 3.4 0.1 0.1
12 Joseph Dongelmans F 4 - .0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 0.0
13 Ryan Regault G 14 8 28.9 0.9 2.6 3.5 3.2 0.2 5.0 2.6 1.9 1.1 0.1
21 Marc Sidoine Nkwitcheu F 15 3 4.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.4
22 Adam Rosenberger F 10 - 3.9 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.5 - 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.0
  Totals     17 17 201.4 8.1 23.5 31.6 20.4 0.6 17.9 14.1 1.3 6.5 2.4
  Opponent     17 17 201.4 14.2 28.8 42.9 19.4 0.4 18.0 12.8 1.4 5.2 4.5
No. Yr Pos
1 Gabe Davignon G 17 16 581 72-220 32.7 45-131 34.4 45-59 76.3 234
2 Erik Hayden G 17 6 272 28-65 43.1 3-13 23.1 9-15 60.0 68
3 Robbie Grant G 15 1 100 11-24 45.8 2-8 25.0 4-8 50.0 28
4 Kyle Munro G 16 15 505 68-186 36.6 28-75 37.3 22-28 78.6 186
5 Glen Cox G 16 16 566 137-271 50.6 5-24 20.8 81-132 61.4 360
6 Samou Brayan Kone F - - - 0-0 - 0-0 - 0-0 - 0
7 Markus Hayden G 6 1 9 1-2 50.0 1-1 100.0 0-0 - 3
8 David Chijioke G 13 - 38 2-9 22.2 1-5 20.0 2-3 66.7 7
9 Donovan Reid F 16 13 343 40-76 52.6 0-1 0.0 8-28 28.6 88
10 Briawne Wilson G 17 6 396 63-136 46.3 4-17 23.5 33-59 55.9 163
11 Alain Mapendo G 11 - 108 8-21 38.1 5-15 33.3 0-0 - 21
12 Joseph Dongelmans F 4 - 0 0-0 - 0-0 - 0-0 - 0
13 Ryan Regault G 14 8 404 57-154 37.0 21-69 30.4 37-46 80.4 172
21 Marc Sidoine Nkwitcheu F 15 3 62 4-14 28.6 0-0 - 3-5 60.0 11
22 Adam Rosenberger F 10 - 39 4-6 66.7 0-0 - 0-3 0.0 8
  Totals     17 17 3423 495-1184 41.8 115-359 32.0 244-386 63.2 1352
  Opponent     17 17 3423 521-1230 42.4 100-391 25.6 257-411 62.5 1399
Ball control
No. Yr Pos
1 Gabe Davignon G 17 16 581 12 35 47 40 0 41 23 1.8 17 3
2 Erik Hayden G 17 6 272 14 43 57 41 1 15 19 0.8 11 1
3 Robbie Grant G 15 1 100 1 10 11 16 0 4 6 0.7 5 1
4 Kyle Munro G 16 15 505 14 59 73 42 0 74 23 3.2 29 0
5 Glen Cox G 16 16 566 34 90 124 34 1 31 55 0.6 14 3
6 Samou Brayan Kone F - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7 Markus Hayden G 6 1 9 0 0 0 2 - 1 1 1.0 0 0
8 David Chijioke G 13 - 38 2 0 2 5 0 1 2 0.5 2 1
9 Donovan Reid F 16 13 343 20 61 81 40 1 23 18 1.3 3 22
10 Briawne Wilson G 17 6 396 12 36 48 51 3 24 40 0.6 11 2
11 Alain Mapendo G 11 - 108 2 7 9 10 0 17 5 3.4 1 1
12 Joseph Dongelmans F 4 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0
13 Ryan Regault G 14 8 404 13 36 49 45 3 70 36 1.9 15 1
21 Marc Sidoine Nkwitcheu F 15 3 62 4 7 11 16 2 1 2 0.5 2 6
22 Adam Rosenberger F 10 - 39 1 3 4 5 - 2 4 0.5 1 0
  Totals     17 17 3423 138 399 537 347 11 304 239 1.3 111 41
  Opponent     17 17 3423 241 489 730 329 6 306 218 1.4 89 77
No. Yr Pos
1 Gabe Davignon G 17 16 34.2 5.0-15.1 32.7 3.1-9.0 34.4 3.1-4.1 76.3 16.1
2 Erik Hayden G 17 6 16.0 4.1-9.6 43.1 0.4-1.9 23.1 1.3-2.2 60.0 10.0
3 Robbie Grant G 15 1 6.7 4.4-9.6 45.8 0.8-3.2 25.0 1.6-3.2 50.0 11.2
4 Kyle Munro G 16 15 31.6 5.4-14.7 36.6 2.2-5.9 37.3 1.7-2.2 78.6 14.7
5 Glen Cox G 16 16 35.4 9.7-19.2 50.6 0.4-1.7 20.8 5.7-9.3 61.4 25.4
6 Samou Brayan Kone F - - - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - -
7 Markus Hayden G 6 1 1.5 4.4-8.9 50.0 4.4-4.4 100.0 0.0-0.0 - 13.3
8 David Chijioke G 13 - 2.9 2.1-9.5 22.2 1.1-5.3 20.0 2.1-3.2 66.7 7.4
9 Donovan Reid F 16 13 21.4 4.7-8.9 52.6 0.0-0.1 0.0 0.9-3.3 28.6 10.3
10 Briawne Wilson G 17 6 23.3 6.4-13.7 46.3 0.4-1.7 23.5 3.3-6.0 55.9 16.5
11 Alain Mapendo G 11 - 9.8 3.0-7.8 38.1 1.9-5.6 33.3 0.0-0.0 - 7.8
12 Joseph Dongelmans F 4 - .0 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - -
13 Ryan Regault G 14 8 28.9 5.6-15.2 37.0 2.1-6.8 30.4 3.7-4.6 80.4 17.0
21 Marc Sidoine Nkwitcheu F 15 3 4.1 2.6-9.0 28.6 0.0-0.0 - 1.9-3.2 60.0 7.1
22 Adam Rosenberger F 10 - 3.9 4.1-6.2 66.7 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-3.1 0.0 8.2
  Totals     17 17 201.4 28.9-69.2 41.8 6.7-21.0 32.0 14.3-22.6 63.2 79.0
  Opponent     17 17 201.4 30.4-71.9 42.4 5.8-22.8 25.6 15.0-24.0 62.5 81.7
Ball control
No. Yr Pos
1 Gabe Davignon G 17 16 34.2 0.8 2.4 3.2 2.8 0.0 2.8 1.6 1.8 1.2 0.2
2 Erik Hayden G 17 6 16.0 2.1 6.3 8.4 6.0 0.1 2.2 2.8 0.8 1.6 0.1
3 Robbie Grant G 15 1 6.7 0.4 4.0 4.4 6.4 0.0 1.6 2.4 0.7 2.0 0.4
4 Kyle Munro G 16 15 31.6 1.1 4.7 5.8 3.3 0.0 5.9 1.8 3.2 2.3 0.0
5 Glen Cox G 16 16 35.4 2.4 6.4 8.8 2.4 0.1 2.2 3.9 0.6 1.0 0.2
6 Samou Brayan Kone F - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7 Markus Hayden G 6 1 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.9 0.0 4.4 4.4 1.0 0.0 0.0
8 David Chijioke G 13 - 2.9 2.1 0.0 2.1 5.3 0.0 1.1 2.1 0.5 2.1 1.1
9 Donovan Reid F 16 13 21.4 2.3 7.1 9.4 4.7 0.1 2.7 2.1 1.3 0.3 2.6
10 Briawne Wilson G 17 6 23.3 1.2 3.6 4.8 5.2 0.3 2.4 4.0 0.6 1.1 0.2
11 Alain Mapendo G 11 - 9.8 0.7 2.6 3.3 3.7 0.0 6.3 1.9 3.4 0.4 0.4
12 Joseph Dongelmans F 4 - .0 - - - - - - - - - -
13 Ryan Regault G 14 8 28.9 1.3 3.6 4.9 4.5 0.3 6.9 3.6 1.9 1.5 0.1
21 Marc Sidoine Nkwitcheu F 15 3 4.1 2.6 4.5 7.1 10.3 1.3 0.6 1.3 0.5 1.3 3.9
22 Adam Rosenberger F 10 - 3.9 1.0 3.1 4.1 5.1 0.0 2.1 4.1 0.5 1.0 0.0
  Totals     17 17 201.4 8.1 23.3 31.4 20.3 0.6 17.8 14.0 1.3 6.5 2.4
  Opponent     17 17 201.4 14.1 28.6 42.7 19.2 0.4 17.9 12.7 1.4 5.2 4.5
No. Yr Pos
1 Gabe Davignon G 17 16 34.2 4.2-12.9 32.7 2.6-7.7 34.4 2.6-3.5 76.3 13.8
2 Erik Hayden G 17 6 16.0 1.6-3.8 43.1 0.2-0.8 23.1 0.5-0.9 60.0 4.0
3 Robbie Grant G 15 1 6.7 0.7-1.6 45.8 0.1-0.5 25.0 0.3-0.5 50.0 1.9
4 Kyle Munro G 16 15 31.6 4.2-11.6 36.6 1.8-4.7 37.3 1.4-1.8 78.6 11.6
5 Glen Cox G 16 16 35.4 8.6-16.9 50.6 0.3-1.5 20.8 5.1-8.2 61.4 22.5
6 Samou Brayan Kone F - - - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - -
7 Markus Hayden G 6 1 1.5 0.2-0.3 50.0 0.2-0.2 100.0 0.0-0.0 - 0.5
8 David Chijioke G 13 - 2.9 0.2-0.7 22.2 0.1-0.4 20.0 0.2-0.2 66.7 0.5
9 Donovan Reid F 16 13 21.4 2.5-4.8 52.6 0.0-0.1 0.0 0.5-1.8 28.6 5.5
10 Briawne Wilson G 17 6 23.3 3.7-8.0 46.3 0.2-1.0 23.5 1.9-3.5 55.9 9.6
11 Alain Mapendo G 11 - 9.8 0.7-1.9 38.1 0.5-1.4 33.3 0.0-0.0 - 1.9
12 Joseph Dongelmans F 4 - .0 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0
13 Ryan Regault G 14 8 28.9 4.1-11.0 37.0 1.5-4.9 30.4 2.6-3.3 80.4 12.3
21 Marc Sidoine Nkwitcheu F 15 3 4.1 0.3-0.9 28.6 0.0-0.0 - 0.2-0.3 60.0 0.7
22 Adam Rosenberger F 10 - 3.9 0.4-0.6 66.7 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.3 0.0 0.8
  Totals     17 17 201.4 29.1-69.6 41.8 6.8-21.1 32.0 14.4-22.7 63.2 79.5
  Opponent     17 17 201.4 30.6-72.4 42.4 5.9-23.0 25.6 15.1-24.2 62.5 82.3
Ball control
No. Yr Pos
1 Gabe Davignon G 17 16 34.2 0.7 2.1 2.8 2.4 0.0 2.4 1.4 1.8 1.0 0.2
2 Erik Hayden G 17 6 16.0 0.8 2.5 3.4 2.4 0.1 0.9 1.1 0.8 0.6 0.1
3 Robbie Grant G 15 1 6.7 0.1 0.7 0.7 1.1 0.0 0.3 0.4 0.7 0.3 0.1
4 Kyle Munro G 16 15 31.6 0.9 3.7 4.6 2.6 0.0 4.6 1.4 3.2 1.8 0.0
5 Glen Cox G 16 16 35.4 2.1 5.6 7.8 2.1 0.1 1.9 3.4 0.6 0.9 0.2
6 Samou Brayan Kone F - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7 Markus Hayden G 6 1 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 - 0.2 0.2 1.0 0.0 0.0
8 David Chijioke G 13 - 2.9 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.1
9 Donovan Reid F 16 13 21.4 1.3 3.8 5.1 2.5 0.1 1.4 1.1 1.3 0.2 1.4
10 Briawne Wilson G 17 6 23.3 0.7 2.1 2.8 3.0 0.2 1.4 2.4 0.6 0.6 0.1
11 Alain Mapendo G 11 - 9.8 0.2 0.6 0.8 0.9 0.0 1.5 0.5 3.4 0.1 0.1
12 Joseph Dongelmans F 4 - .0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0.0 0.0
13 Ryan Regault G 14 8 28.9 0.9 2.6 3.5 3.2 0.2 5.0 2.6 1.9 1.1 0.1
21 Marc Sidoine Nkwitcheu F 15 3 4.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 1.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.4
22 Adam Rosenberger F 10 - 3.9 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.5 - 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.0
  Totals     17 17 201.4 8.1 23.5 31.6 20.4 0.6 17.9 14.1 1.3 6.5 2.4
  Opponent     17 17 201.4 14.2 28.8 42.9 19.4 0.4 18.0 12.8 1.4 5.2 4.5
No. Yr Pos
1 Gabe Davignon G 17 16 581 72-220 32.7 45-131 34.4 45-59 76.3 234
2 Erik Hayden G 17 6 272 28-65 43.1 3-13 23.1 9-15 60.0 68
3 Robbie Grant G 15 1 100 11-24 45.8 2-8 25.0 4-8 50.0 28
4 Kyle Munro G 16 15 505 68-186 36.6 28-75 37.3 22-28 78.6 186
5 Glen Cox G 16 16 566 137-271 50.6 5-24 20.8 81-132 61.4 360
6 Samou Brayan Kone F - - - 0-0 - 0-0 - 0-0 - 0
7 Markus Hayden G 6 1 9 1-2 50.0 1-1 100.0 0-0 - 3
8 David Chijioke G 13 - 38 2-9 22.2 1-5 20.0 2-3 66.7 7
9 Donovan Reid F 16 13 343 40-76 52.6 0-1 0.0 8-28 28.6 88
10 Briawne Wilson G 17 6 396 63-136 46.3 4-17 23.5 33-59 55.9 163
11 Alain Mapendo G 11 - 108 8-21 38.1 5-15 33.3 0-0 - 21
12 Joseph Dongelmans F 4 - 0 0-0 - 0-0 - 0-0 - 0
13 Ryan Regault G 14 8 404 57-154 37.0 21-69 30.4 37-46 80.4 172
21 Marc Sidoine Nkwitcheu F 15 3 62 4-14 28.6 0-0 - 3-5 60.0 11
22 Adam Rosenberger F 10 - 39 4-6 66.7 0-0 - 0-3 0.0 8
  Totals     17 17 3423 495-1184 41.8 115-359 32.0 244-386 63.2 1352
  Opponent     17 17 3423 521-1230 42.4 100-391 25.6 257-411 62.5 1399
Ball control
No. Yr Pos
1 Gabe Davignon G 17 16 581 12 35 47 40 0 41 23 1.8 17 3
2 Erik Hayden G 17 6 272 14 43 57 41 1 15 19 0.8 11 1
3 Robbie Grant G 15 1 100 1 10 11 16 0 4 6 0.7 5 1
4 Kyle Munro G 16 15 505 14 59 73 42 0 74 23 3.2 29 0
5 Glen Cox G 16 16 566 34 90 124 34 1 31 55 0.6 14 3
6 Samou Brayan Kone F - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7 Markus Hayden G 6 1 9 0 0 0 2 - 1 1 1.0 0 0
8 David Chijioke G 13 - 38 2 0 2 5 0 1 2 0.5 2 1
9 Donovan Reid F 16 13 343 20 61 81 40 1 23 18 1.3 3 22
10 Briawne Wilson G 17 6 396 12 36 48 51 3 24 40 0.6 11 2
11 Alain Mapendo G 11 - 108 2 7 9 10 0 17 5 3.4 1 1
12 Joseph Dongelmans F 4 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0
13 Ryan Regault G 14 8 404 13 36 49 45 3 70 36 1.9 15 1
21 Marc Sidoine Nkwitcheu F 15 3 62 4 7 11 16 2 1 2 0.5 2 6
22 Adam Rosenberger F 10 - 39 1 3 4 5 - 2 4 0.5 1 0
  Totals     17 17 3423 138 399 537 347 11 304 239 1.3 111 41
  Opponent     17 17 3423 241 489 730 329 6 306 218 1.4 89 77
No. Yr Pos
1 Gabe Davignon G 17 16 34.2 5.0-15.1 32.7 3.1-9.0 34.4 3.1-4.1 76.3 16.1
2 Erik Hayden G 17 6 16.0 4.1-9.6 43.1 0.4-1.9 23.1 1.3-2.2 60.0 10.0
3 Robbie Grant G 15 1 6.7 4.4-9.6 45.8 0.8-3.2 25.0 1.6-3.2 50.0 11.2
4 Kyle Munro G 16 15 31.6 5.4-14.7 36.6 2.2-5.9 37.3 1.7-2.2 78.6 14.7
5 Glen Cox G 16 16 35.4 9.7-19.2 50.6 0.4-1.7 20.8 5.7-9.3 61.4 25.4
6 Samou Brayan Kone F - - - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - -
7 Markus Hayden G 6 1 1.5 4.4-8.9 50.0 4.4-4.4 100.0 0.0-0.0 - 13.3
8 David Chijioke G 13 - 2.9 2.1-9.5 22.2 1.1-5.3 20.0 2.1-3.2 66.7 7.4
9 Donovan Reid F 16 13 21.4 4.7-8.9 52.6 0.0-0.1 0.0 0.9-3.3 28.6 10.3
10 Briawne Wilson G 17 6 23.3 6.4-13.7 46.3 0.4-1.7 23.5 3.3-6.0 55.9 16.5
11 Alain Mapendo G 11 - 9.8 3.0-7.8 38.1 1.9-5.6 33.3 0.0-0.0 - 7.8
12 Joseph Dongelmans F 4 - .0 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-0.0 - -
13 Ryan Regault G 14 8 28.9 5.6-15.2 37.0 2.1-6.8 30.4 3.7-4.6 80.4 17.0
21 Marc Sidoine Nkwitcheu F 15 3 4.1 2.6-9.0 28.6 0.0-0.0 - 1.9-3.2 60.0 7.1
22 Adam Rosenberger F 10 - 3.9 4.1-6.2 66.7 0.0-0.0 - 0.0-3.1 0.0 8.2
  Totals     17 17 201.4 28.9-69.2 41.8 6.7-21.0 32.0 14.3-22.6 63.2 79.0
  Opponent     17 17 201.4 30.4-71.9 42.4 5.8-22.8 25.6 15.0-24.0 62.5 81.7
Ball control
No. Yr Pos
1 Gabe Davignon G 17 16 34.2 0.8 2.4 3.2 2.8 0.0 2.8 1.6 1.8 1.2 0.2
2 Erik Hayden G 17 6 16.0 2.1 6.3 8.4 6.0 0.1 2.2 2.8 0.8 1.6 0.1
3 Robbie Grant G 15 1 6.7 0.4 4.0 4.4 6.4 0.0 1.6 2.4 0.7 2.0 0.4
4 Kyle Munro G 16 15 31.6 1.1 4.7 5.8 3.3 0.0 5.9 1.8 3.2 2.3 0.0
5 Glen Cox G 16 16 35.4 2.4 6.4 8.8 2.4 0.1 2.2 3.9 0.6 1.0 0.2
6 Samou Brayan Kone F - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7 Markus Hayden G 6 1 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.9 0.0 4.4 4.4 1.0 0.0 0.0
8 David Chijioke G 13 - 2.9 2.1 0.0 2.1 5.3 0.0 1.1 2.1 0.5 2.1 1.1
9 Donovan Reid F 16 13 21.4 2.3 7.1 9.4 4.7 0.1 2.7 2.1 1.3 0.3 2.6
10 Briawne Wilson G 17 6 23.3 1.2 3.6 4.8 5.2 0.3 2.4 4.0 0.6 1.1 0.2
11 Alain Mapendo G 11 - 9.8 0.7 2.6 3.3 3.7 0.0 6.3 1.9 3.4 0.4 0.4
12 Joseph Dongelmans F 4 - .0 - - - - - - - - - -
13 Ryan Regault G 14 8 28.9 1.3 3.6 4.9 4.5 0.3 6.9 3.6 1.9 1.5 0.1
21 Marc Sidoine Nkwitcheu F 15 3 4.1 2.6 4.5 7.1 10.3 1.3 0.6 1.3 0.5 1.3 3.9
22 Adam Rosenberger F 10 - 3.9 1.0 3.1 4.1 5.1 0.0 2.1 4.1 0.5 1.0 0.0
  Totals     17 17 201.4 8.1 23.3 31.4 20.3 0.6 17.8 14.0 1.3 6.5 2.4
  Opponent     17 17 201.4 14.1 28.6 42.7 19.2 0.4 17.9 12.7 1.4 5.2 4.5
Download roster: BRO (First Last) | BRO (Last, First)
Date Opponent Score fg pct 3pt pct ft pct off def reb ast to stl blk pf pts
Sep 20 # at Mount Allison W, 102-58 37-80 46.3 8-26 30.8 20-27 74.1 15 21 36 19 13 16 3 14 102
Sep 27 # vs. Saint Mary's W, 81-63 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Sep 28 # vs. Cape Breton W, 96-75 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Oct 11 # at StFX L, 86-65 29-79 36.7 5-18 27.8 2-8 25.0 16 25 41 13 23 12 2 16 65
Oct 12 # vs. Saint Mary's L, 80-59 22-63 34.9 7-23 30.4 8-14 57.1 12 20 32 14 27 10 4 16 59
Oct 18 # vs. Lakehead W, 74-73 29-71 40.8 5-22 22.7 11-20 55.0 14 24 38 9 12 14 1 22 74
Oct 19 # vs. Algoma W, 106-86 39-58 67.2 9-20 45.0 19-29 65.5 6 29 35 21 13 3 1 25 106
Oct 30 at Saint Mary's L, 98-95 31-75 41.3 13-31 41.9 17-24 70.8 9 26 35 10 16 9 2 18 95
Nov 2 Saint Mary's W, 78-62 27-69 39.1 7-20 35.0 17-25 68.0 9 33 42 21 14 1 4 25 78
Nov 8 at UPEI L, 83-77 28-74 37.8 4-21 19.0 17-20 85.0 9 23 32 11 19 14 2 21 77
Nov 9 at UPEI W, 74-72 25-67 37.3 3-13 23.1 21-29 72.4 10 19 29 11 17 12 6 20 74
Nov 15 at Memorial L, 91-88 31-63 49.2 7-18 38.9 19-27 70.4 3 30 33 14 14 11 0 24 88
Nov 16 at Memorial L, 86-84 29-58 50.0 3-15 20.0 23-31 74.2 4 22 26 0 11 7 1 34 84
Nov 22 UNB L, 100-67 25-77 32.5 3-18 16.7 14-23 60.9 12 12 24 21 15 2 4 15 67
Nov 30 StFX L, 91-79 29-81 35.8 5-16 31.3 16-26 61.5 12 31 43 22 16 2 4 18 79
Jan 10 Memorial W, 107-78 42-75 56.0 14-28 50.0 9-13 69.2 6 23 29 34 9 0 1 18 107
Jan 11 Memorial W, 81-68 31-72 43.1 9-27 33.3 10-20 50.0 10 24 34 26 13 5 2 22 81
Jan 17 at Cape Breton L, 95-90 34-79 43.0 7-24 29.2 15-24 62.5 13 23 36 12 19 7 3 20 90
Jan 18 at StFX L, 93-59 23-66 34.8 7-25 28.0 6-16 37.5 9 24 33 11 19 12 0 18 59
Jan 24 UPEI L, 68-60 24-53 45.3 6-16 37.5 6-18 33.3 6 22 28 24 9 4 2 18 60
Jan 25 UPEI W, 80-70 33-65 50.8 8-19 42.1 6-15 40.0 5 26 31 26 14 5 8 19 80
Jan 31 Cape Breton W, 92-89 33-75 44.0 8-27 29.6 18-25 72.0 8 19 27 29 8 5 2 14 92
Feb 2 Dalhousie L, 71-66 19-72 26.4 5-21 23.8 23-36 63.9 6 20 26 14 11 9 0 23 66
Feb 5 at Dalhousie L, 84-75 31-63 49.2 6-20 30.0 7-14 50.0 7 22 29 18 15 6 0 20 75
Feb 12 at Saint Mary's   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Feb 15 Saint Mary's   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Feb 21 at UNB   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  gp fg pct 3pt pct ft pct off def reb ast to stl blk pf pts off eff net eff
Total 17 495-1184 41.8 115-359 32.0 244-386 63.2 8.1 23.5 31.6 17.9 14.1 6.5 2.4 20.4 79.5 0.915 -0.076
Conference 17 495-1184 41.8 115-359 32.0 244-386 63.2 8.1 23.5 31.6 17.9 14.1 6.5 2.4 20.4 79.5 0.915 -0.076
Exhibition 5 156-351 44.4 34-109 31.2 60-98 61.2 12.6 23.8 36.4 15.2 17.6 11.0 2.2 18.6 81.2 0.955 0.019
Home 9 263-639 41.2 65-192 33.9 119-201 59.2 8.2 23.3 31.6 24.1 12.1 3.7 3.0 19.1 78.9 0.917 -0.028
Away 8 232-545 42.6 50-167 29.9 125-185 67.6 8.0 23.6 31.6 10.9 16.3 9.8 1.8 21.9 80.3 0.913 -0.127
Neutral - 0-0 - 0-0 - 0-0 - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wins 6 191-423 45.2 49-134 36.6 81-127 63.8 8.0 24.0 32.0 24.5 12.5 4.7 3.8 19.7 85.3 0.997 0.116
Losses 11 304-761 39.9 66-225 29.3 163-259 62.9 8.2 23.2 31.4 14.3 14.9 7.5 1.6 20.8 76.4 0.871 -0.179
October 1 31-75 41.3 13-31 41.9 17-24 70.8 9.0 26.0 35.0 10.0 16.0 9.0 2.0 18.0 95.0 1.011 -0.066
November 7 194-489 39.7 32-121 26.4 127-181 70.2 8.4 24.3 32.7 14.3 15.1 7.0 3.0 22.4 78.1 0.873 -0.109
January 7 220-485 45.4 59-166 35.5 70-131 53.4 8.1 23.0 31.1 23.1 13.0 5.4 2.6 18.4 81.3 0.973 -0.009
February 2 50-135 37.0 11-41 26.8 30-50 60.0 6.5 21.0 27.5 16.0 13.0 7.5 0.0 21.5 70.5 0.815 -0.185
Date Opponent Score Attend
Sep 20 at Mount Allison W, 102-58 0
Sep 27 vs. Saint Mary's 81-63 Win -
Sep 28 vs. Cape Breton 96-75 Win -
Oct 11 at StFX L, 86-65 0
Oct 12 vs. Saint Mary's L, 80-59 0
Oct 18 vs. Lakehead W, 74-73 0
Oct 19 vs. Algoma W, 106-86 0
Oct 30 at Saint Mary's L, 98-95 450
Nov 2 Saint Mary's W, 78-62 741
Nov 8 at UPEI L, 83-77 467
Nov 9 at UPEI W, 74-72 248
Nov 15 at Memorial L, 91-88 0
Nov 16 at Memorial L, 86-84 0
Nov 22 UNB L, 100-67 594
Nov 30 StFX L, 91-79 0
Jan 10 Memorial W, 107-78 532
Jan 11 Memorial W, 81-68 606
Jan 17 at Cape Breton L, 95-90 290
Jan 18 at StFX L, 93-59 1,245
Jan 24 UPEI L, 68-60 530
Jan 25 UPEI W, 80-70 768
Jan 31 Cape Breton W, 92-89 578
Feb 2 Dalhousie L, 71-66 422
Feb 5 at Dalhousie L, 84-75 250
Feb 12 at Saint Mary's   -
Feb 15 Saint Mary's   -
Feb 21 at UNB   -